Wood Duck
Wild Turkey Mourning Dove Ruby-throated Hummingbird Hairy Woodpecker Northern Flicker Red-eyed Vireo Blue Jay American Crow |
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse White-breasted Nuthatch House Wren American Robin Gray Catbird Chestnut-sided Warbler Black-throated Blue Warbler Pine Warbler |
Black & White Warbler
Oven Bird Common Yellowthroat Scarlet Tanager Chipping Sparrow Song Sparrow Rose-breasted Grosbeak American Goldfinch |
A pair of Wood Ducks has been spending lots of time together on Teacup Lake. They have stay close to each other on the water and then fly off into the forest together. Wood Ducks are wonderfully colorful and have uniquely shaped crested head, boxy body and broad tail. These ducks are cavity nesters who perch and nest in trees but do appreciate a duck box. Check the website again for updates on this beautiful pair of water fowl! |
THANK YOU ... Ed Parsons of The Conway Daily Sun. Ed Parsons of the The Conway Daily Sun recently spent a super day on the trails at Chapman Sanctuary and Visny Woods. We are so glad that he enjoyed the trails and grateful that he shared his experience at CSVW in his column "Week Enders". You can read harticle here: |
2020 CSVW ANNUAL MEETING November 14, 2020 at 10:00am Sandwich Town Hall - Upstairs 8 Maple Street Center Sandwich, New Hampshire We are glad to announce the Chapman Sanctuary and Visny Woods Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, November 14th upstairs in Sandwich Town Hall. Come see what we are all about! This year's meeting is expected to include exciting news and important topics concerning the trails, gardens, wildlife and habitat management. PLUS! projects and plans for the future. We value your input! The Annual Meeting is open to the public, the Sandwich Community and CSVW Members. NEWCOMERS WELCOME! Nature enthusiasts, gardeners, wildlife seekers, bird watchers, trail walkers/runners/hikers, cross-country skier/snowshoers ... ALL are welcome to come and share your thoughts with us. Join us on November 14th and bring your ideas and suggestions - we would love to hear from you! Plenty of free parking • Face coverings required. |
Good Memorial Day morning! I am writing to add my thoughts about attending the bird walk at Chapman Sanctuary/Visny Woods...
Delightful! I am so glad I attended.
I learned a lot, not only about bird calls and songs and habitat and such, but all those little tidbits that make learning so rewarding. Visually, what I will remember most is our guide showing us why an ovenbird is called an ovenbird. Who knew?!
Great place to view a variety of birds from woodlands to open fields. And a great place to simply take a walk along the well-planned trails.
P.S. Thanks for making available the Bird Song Identification Tips aka “cheat sheet!"