JOHN VISNY was born in Connecticut with a love for farming. He joined 4H in Newtown, CT. Because of his extraordinary accomplishments in 4H he was admitted to Connecticut Agricultural College even though he had only 8 years of school.
While in College, he miked cows to earn money to defray expenses and eventually achieved a BS Degree. During those 4 years he continued to get support for expanding 4H in Connecticut. His efforts paid off and he was asked to speak to the members of the House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture in Washington, DC in 1928. |
He waged a never ending battle that he never won. Beaver were also unwelcome neighbors as they would cut down his fruit trees. Today there are still a few trees wrapped with hardware cloth to protect them from those sharp teeth. To accommodate the beaver John hired Randy Brown to dredge out a pond upstream from Tea Cup Lake so the beaver could have a place to call their own. John affectionately named it Randy's Pond. |